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Friends of Mount Vernon Park plan to establish a committee shortly. We will then look into future funding options so that we can make positive improvements to Mount Vernon Park.
Thank's to all of the responses for our recent survey of Mount Vernon Park. It has highlighted the many things that are great about the park and lots of ideas for improving areas within the park. So, once we are fully up and running, we will be kept busy.
We are currently working in partnership with Mount Vernon Community Hall and the Centre Playgroup so that we can make improvements to the existing community garden space.
We hope to add community sensory garden with a mud kitchen, bug hotel, musical chimes, additional plants in raised beds with built in seating, so that everyone can enjoy the garden. We are also looking to have the area fenced off to keep children playing in the area safe and our lovely new garden.
We are looking for people who would be interested on joining us and local people / companies who would like to help us out with things like wood paint to brighten up the planters. If you know any local companies who are able to give donations to local charities
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